About Us


        Coral Springs Craft Guild began in 1977 as a way to promote crafts and serve our community in Coral Springs. Since then, the Guild has become a leading member of the cultural community. The Guild is comprised of talented crafters and anyone interested in enjoying crafts and crafting!             

    The purpose of the Craft Guild, as stated by our founders, is to improve the quality of hand-crafted items sold in the area, stimulate creativity in design and use of materials, provide an outlet for the exhibition and sale of members’ work, interact with our community through scholarships and other community service projects, and enhance fellowship within the crafting community.                           

     Since 1984, the Guild has awarded over $68,000 in scholarships to artistic high school seniors. The scholarship program is open to any artistic high school senior living in Coral Springs or attending high school in Coral Springs/Parkland. For 2025, we will be awarding three scholarships: a $1,000 scholarship along with two $500 scholarships!!  If you would like a scholarship application, email us at:  CSCraftGuild@gmail.com 

2025 OfFicers

President: Marilyn McMullan
1st VP (Fall Show Coordinator): To be Announced!
2nd VP (Membership): Janice Lockhart
3rd VP (Spring Events Coordinator): Jane Hershey
Treasurer: Marie Houston
Secretary: Susanne Grunberg


Our Events

Our major events each year are our participation in the Annual Festival of the Arts in Coral Springs and our fall Craft Show and Holiday Boutique. Both of these feature beautiful, top quality hand-crafted items. Our fall show is very well attended and our customers are always been enthusiastic about the our variety and quality of our crafts!

The Guild holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 pm. The meetings are open to any adults interested in crafting. Meetings feature make-and-take home projects or a demonstration by an accomplished artisan. Check out the Meetings page for this month’s exciting program! Email us at CSCraftGuild@gmail.com if you would like more information, or just come to a meeting!

A very important part of our Guild is our Community Service. Over the years, along with our scholarship program, our community service projects have included making blankets for newborns and for nursing home residents, creating thank you cards for our military service men and women, collecting school supplies for children, making hygiene kits for the homeless, teaching art/craft projects to children and adults, knitting and crocheting red infant hats for the American Heart Association, donating tree seedlings to Coral Springs after hurricane Wilma, providing Ronald McDonald house with art supplies, pop-tops, and toys and games, donating baskets of handmade items for raffles at cancer fund raising events, collecting pounds and pounds of canned food for local feeding programs, doing art projects at SOS Children’s Village, children’s summer camps, and the library, creating comfort bears for first responders to distribute to children, making port-a-cath pillows for cancer patients, and MUCH more!

Here’s a picture from our Coat Drive for the Homeless. We collected coats, along with socks and fruit, we filled all these bags and delivered them to homeless shelters!!!

Coat Drive 2021